About Me

Texas, United States
32 yr old from Texas

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Does prison really help our men to change?

We all know that the saying "you do the crime you do the time" but is prison really helping our young black men's mentality? We have all seen shows on t.v. such as Lock Down, and Prison Break etc.. are these shows depicting reality? I think so. There are more gangs in jail than there are on the streets. It's all about surviving once a person is locked up. But why does it have to be that way? Are these men social skills being developed healthfully so when they do see day light again that they know how to conduct themselves? NOPE!! Not only does one have to deal with fights and the possibility of their man hood being taken, you have the guards better yet the whole prison system ran incorrectly. What is correct when it come to prison you may ask. Well for starters t he food should be hot, no matter what crime a person did to get there. Showers should be allowed more than once/twice a week. If you ask me it should be funky as heck in there. And during lock down, why does everyone on the "block" as they call it have to miss chow because of ones man's behavior. I'm sure we all know or have a relative whom is locked up be it male or female. the black community is all ready suffering. The world is already in turmoil. I know that there is no justification for those men who've raped, murdered, sold drugs to there own kind or committed other repeated attacks but theses same people are our brothers, fathers,friends,uncles and sons. So do we turn or back or do we need to ask WHY? Where did it all go wrong. I have a sibling who is looked up. To most, he is a thief, attacker and drug user. To me, he is sweet, funny, cute and my brother no matter what. We had a good life growing up, mom worked two jobs(y'all know the story) but I feel that he just got lost hanging with the wrong crowd. So do I throw him away now. No I just look at who he is and not what he did.

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