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Texas, United States
32 yr old from Texas

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Should Barack be President?

Obama has gained the support of both young and old. Pundits and partisans have called the 2008 elections one of the most important in history. Over the past year he has gotten the black community to display energy unmatched my any other presidential contender. He as a message for all the people, not just black people. Do you feel that we as African Americans only want Barack to be president because he is black? Do you feel that having him in office will truly change the society of black people? We know that we are ready for a black president but are the white people. Jesse Jackson ran in 1984 and 1988. Now here we are in 2008. Will it happen?

1 comment:

WrittenFool said...

I think that the U.S. could embrace a president, no matter what their race, religion, or gender. This should not even be a factor at all, but should be based on whether we believe that they will do the job with a conscience and to the best of their abilities. Incidentally, Jesse Jackson, in my opinion, was quite inflammatory, and therefore not suitable as president.. it had nothing to do with race, really.

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